ફુલ નામ

AS  Autonomous System
API :-  Application Programming Interface
CPU :- Central Processing Unit
CTC :-  Cisco Transport Controller
CS :-  Connection Service
DB :-  Data Base
DNS :-  Domain Name System
E2E :-  End-to-End
End-to-end Connection Object (E2EConnection)  The abstraction of an optical connection that spans multiple federations (which is created by concatenating a series of fundamental LPOs between the source and destination federations).
Federation :-  A federation is an independent management domain that has its own set of UCLP services. It is required to have at least one switch in each federation
Federation Manager :-  The Federation Manager is one (or a cluster of) Lookup Service(s) that maintain a list of active UCLP Lookup Services.
GB :-  Gigabyte
GMPLS :-  Generalized Multi Protocol Label Switching
GSAP :-  Grid Service Access Point
An OGSA/OGSI compliant Grid service for accessing UCLP Jini services
GUI :-  Graphical User Interface
HDD :-  Hard Disk Drive
ID :- Identifier
IP :-  Internet Protocol
IPRO :-  A subclass of RO and represents a Gigabit Ethernet port (i.e., a facility port) in a federation.
JERI :-  Jini Extensible Remote Invocation
JLS :-  Jini Lookup Service
           A distributed Jini service registry
JS :-  JavaSpace(s)
JRMP :-  Java Remote Method Protocol
JSAP :-  Jini Service Access Point
A Jini service that acts as the gateway between the GSAP and UCLP core Jini services, such as LPOS and SCS
LPO :-  LightPath Object
The abstract representation of an optical link between two adjacent federations. A LPO always has two SONETROs as its two end-points.

LPOS :-  LightPath Object Service

A Jini service that manages both fundamental LPOs and E2Econnection objects that are owned by the federation

MB :-  Megabyte

NE :-  Network Element

NIC :-  Network Interface Card

NRIN :-  National Research and Innovation Network

OC-n :-  Optical Carrier-n

OGSA :-  Open Grid Services Architecture

OGSI :-  Open Grid Services Infrastructure

ORS :-  Optical Routing Service

Part of the JSAP, the ORS implements the Optical Routing in the UCLP system. Given a source and destination switch, the ORS must first find the list of switches required to traverse from the source to destination (switch path). Once the switch path(s) is determined, the ORS must then discover available Lightpath Objects (LPOs) along the switch path.

O-UNI :-  Optical User to Network Interface

PC :-  Personal Computer

RAM :-  Random Access Memory

RMI :-  Remote Method Invocation

RO :-  Resource Object

An abstract Java Object that represents a port in a federation.

SAP :-  Service Access Point

SCS :-  Switch Communication Service

A Jini service that concatenates/unlinks 2 fundamental LPOs, by making/undoing a cross-connection on an optical switch or setting up/tearing down an internal lightpath across an optical cloud, whichever applies

SOAP :-  Simple Object Access Protocol

SONET :-  Synchronous Optical Network

SONETRO :-  A subclass of RO and represents a SONET port in a federation.

SSL:-  Secured Sockets Layer

STS:-  Synchronous Transport Signal

TCP:-  Transmission Control Protocol

TL1:-  Transaction Language 1

TID:-  Target Identifier

TNA:-  Transport Network Assigned

TTL:-  Time To Live

TTS:-  Trouble Ticket System

UF:-  User Functions

UCLP:-  User Controlled Lightpath Provisioning

The UCLP System is a set of distributed services that are used to establish and tear down end-to-end connections across an all-optical network.The system consists of a set of Jini services that can be accessed by a Jini enabled client or by OGSI Grid methods.

UDDI:-  Universal Description, Discovery and Integration

UML:-  Universal Modelling Language

URL:-  Uniform Resource Locator

WSIL:-  Web Services Inspection Language

WSDL:-  Web Services Definition Language

XC:-  Cross Connect

XML:-  eXtensible Markup Language

આમા કોઈ ભુલ હોય તો બતાવવા વીનતી

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